


詞句:大家學易經八句真言: 大家學易經,做人處事可安心。大家學易經,身體健康心安寧。 大家學易經,做事工作可順心。大家學易經,大人小孩皆聰明。 大家學易經,公司客戶無欺心。大家學易經,修行道上可見性。 大家學易經,家庭圓滿一條心。大家學易經,國家社會見太平。



詞句:The Eight Truths for those who Study I Ching: Those who study I Ching should settle their minds when conducting themselves in the world and with others. Everyone who studies I Ching should maintain healthy bodies and serene minds. Everyone who studies I Ching should approach tasks and work by following their intuition. Everyone who studies I Ching, whether adults or children all prove themselves to be clever. Everyone who studies I Ching, should be honest in their companies and when interacting with customers. Everyone who studies I Ching should cultivate Dao and see into their inner-nature. Everyone who studies I Ching should mentally unify their families. Everyone who studies I Ching should enable their societies and nations to see great peace.
