


詞句:占卦祈禱文: 拜請八卦祖師、伏羲、文王、周公、孔子,五大聖賢。智聖王禪老祖,及孫臏真人、諸葛孔明真人、陳摶真人、劉伯溫真人、野鶴真人、九天玄女、觀世音菩薩、十方世界諸仙佛、飛空過往神聖、本地方主司福德正神、排卦童子,成卦童郎,駕臨指示聖卦。 今有弟子某某人,某年某月某日某時生, 住在某地址,今為什麼事情憂疑難決,請諸神依實指示聖卦。(先占內卦三爻) 內卦三爻吉凶未判,再求外卦以成全卦。(占外卦三爻) 內外六爻,已成全卦,再求動爻,以決憂疑」(占動爻) 感謝諸神慈悲指示聖卦。



詞句:The Prayer for Divination: Respectfully invite the Five Great Sages - Ancestral Master of Bagua, Fu-Xi, King Wen, Zhou Kung, Confucius. The Sage of Great Wisdom Wang Chan Lao Zu, Immortal Sun-Bin, Immortal Zhu-Ge-Kong-Ming, Immortal Chen-Tuan, Immortal Liu-Bo-Wen, Immortal Ye-He, the Dark Lady of Nine Heavens Jiu-Tian-Xua-Nnu, Guan-Yin Bodhisattva, and all the Buddhas and Deities from ten directions Dharma realms, the Deity of Fortune and Virtue in the local district, and the divination boy arranging the hexagrams and the division youngster forming the hexagrams to descend and reveal the sacred hexagrams. The disciple (name) born at (the lunar birth time/date/month/year of the Chinese calendar) living at (home address), is having the hesitation in (details). Please reveal the sacred hexagrams according to the facts. (the lower trigram is revealed) The lower trigram cannot tell the fortune; please reveal the upper trigram to complete the hexagram. (the upper trigram is revealed) The hexagram is completed with both upper and lower trigrams. Please reveal the change of the active lines to overcome the hesitation. (the change of the active lines is revealed) Thank all the Buddhas and Deities for elucidating the sacred hexagrams.
