【唯心說英文3】混元禪師| WXTV唯心電視台
唯心說英文 The Briefing of Weixin Glossary EP03 1. 創教宗主 The Founder of Weixin Shengjiao 2. 中華文化道統 Chinese Culture Orthodoxy Orthodoxy(n.) 正統、正教 3. 儒、釋、道與百家思想 Confucianism, Buddhism, Daoism, and the hundred schools of thought Confucianism儒家 Buddhism釋/佛家 Daoism道家/道教 the hundred schools of thought百家思想 4.天人合一 the unity of heaven and man 5.南天門 the Southern Heaven Gate Southern(a.) 南方的、南部的 open the Southern Heaven Gate開南天(門) 6. 倒駕慈航 steer His vessel of compassion into the world steer (v.) 駕駛 vessel (n.) 船隻 compassion (n.) 慈悲 7. 世界和平大法輪 The Great Dharma Wheel of World Peace Dharma Wheel (n.) 法輪 8. 趨吉避凶 to pursue good fortune and avoid disaster pursue (v.) 追求 fortune (n.) 幸運、財富 avoid (v.) 避免 disaster (n.) 災難 9. 保護自己,不傷害他人,進而幫助他人 To protect yourself without harming anyone, and then help others who are in need. To protect yourself, not harm others, and then help others.